Monday, September 17, 2007

I wrote this for a homeschool list

This morning was a luxuriously lazy Monday morning. The kids played for several hours this morning while I puttered around and did stuff. I'm not sure what they were doing the whole time. But I know that at various points, they pretended to drive invisible cars, they turned a bedroom into “B's house”, they played trains and they started a puzzle. Later, while B listened to more Henry Huggins on tape, I read some books to T. We read “The Caboose Who Got Loose” by Bill Peet, which is a T favorite. He wanted to read some of the words so he basically recited some for me, in addition to adding his own embellishment. Then, we read two chapters of “Henry the Green Engine” from the original Rev. Awdry's Thomas the Tank Engine books. He wanted me to read the rest of the book but we really needed to get ready. I promised to read more later.

After getting ready and having lunch, we went to our chiropractor's, because she was hosting an annual “Patient Appreciation Day” to commemorate an important date in chiropractic history. Earlier in the month, the kids had created a flat paper spine from a kit she provided. She had those hanging on the wall. The kids got little baggies of jellybeans in exchange for the spine decorations. We ate some of the yummy food she put out. Then, we ran into someone that we used to have playdates with way back when B was only 2 years old! While we got caught up, her boys and my boys played in the chiropractor's toy room. They played so well and for so long that we exchanged phone numbers for a future playdate.

Our chiropractor is so good with kids. B has been interested in bones since he was 2 or 3. Our chiropractor has always let him handle the bones she has out, including a real human skull with wobbly teeth. She answers his questions. He loves going to her office. It's a way of feeding his interest. And she has a small lending library. Today, we borrowed a “Make it: Human Body” book that we had previously borrowed. We have plans to attempt the cell model in the book. I think we can do a scaled down version out of cardboard.

We left with balloons and jellybeans. T opened his jellybean bag in the car, which I wasn't expecting. I didn't want them to eat a ton of them at once, because all the sugar and food coloring at once wouldn't be so good for them. I asked him how many he ate and he replied, “One.” I told him he could have three more. B said, “Then, I can have four.” T then determined that he could only have two more. B corrected him and told him he could have three, because he had only eaten one and 1+3 is 4. Everyone seemed happy.

B suggested we go to our old favorite coffee shop afterwards, which is right down the street. While I drank coffee, the kids played with the all-in-one game set. They played their own version of Chinese Checkers and then played cards. They had an interesting “Go Fish” game going on with easier rules. If you guess what the other person is holding, that person has to put their card down and get another from the pack. I'm not sure how one wins. Then, they examined the dice and we looked at the different ways that dice can be labeled and used. They were intrigued by a die that had card suits and such printed on the sides.

By the time we got home, it was 230. I put on TV and the kids watched a new reading show called, “Super Why.”

And that's where we are right now. I started tidying up the art cabinet, which is completely trashed. I am going to try to finish that while they watch a few shows. If I do it at another time, they will be inspired to start doing art all at once and then it defeats the purpose of the tidying. Even though we've been in the apartment for a month, we still have some things in boxes, including extra art supplies. I have to get this sorted out or we're all going to be buried in paper cuttings!

Right now, dh is reading bedtime stories to them. T chose Eric Carle's "Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do you see?" Dh and B are about half-way through Paddington Bear. That's going to be the next audio book I try to grab.

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